Welcome to HERALD5

HERALD5 is a support group for Christian homeschooling families of the Midlands of South Carolina. Our desire as parents is to Biblically instruct our children, allow and encourage our children to pursue their God-given talents and interests, seek out special instruction as needed, gain wisdom and fellowship with both veteran homeschooling parents and those who are new to homeschooling, and accomplish these goals with support from like-minded families.

If you decide to join us, we have an Option 3 accountability group for our members. This group is called SAFE in HERALD5. You can find the application and more information under the SAFE tab above.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9 KJV


Connect with a network of homeschooling parents, gain wisdom and fellowship with both veteran homeschooling parents and those who are new to homeschooling 


La membresía en SAFE legaliza la educación en el hogar en Carolina del Sur y brinda acceso a la documentación para las licencias de conducir de los estudiantes, la inscripción doble y las transcripciones de la escuela secundaria